The closing event of the Debate Clubs was held within the framework of the Kosovo Youth Participation project

In the framework of the Kosovo Youth Participation Project – KYP, on December 15 in Prizren, the closing event of the Debate Clubs was held, marking the successful completion of a comprehensive training program aimed at engaging young people from different regions. Over 50 young participants from the eight municipalities targeted by the project engaged in discussions using the model of the British Parliament regarding the topic “This House would limit the number of students admitted to the University of Pristina in the branches that fail to create jobs “.


Throughout the program, young people from eight municipalities were equipped with skills that enabled them to engage in productive discussions on relevant issues affecting Kosovo society. The program consisted of 16 days of intensive training sessions covering several topics including intercultural dialogue, combating misinformation, addressing negative influences, and changing traditional attitudes towards gender roles and position in society. The program also addressed the critical issue of combating ethnic-based stereotypes. The success of the Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP project emphasizes the vital role of youth participation in promoting positive changes within communities. The project’s comprehensive training and engagement approach enabled young people to develop essential skills that will equip them to play a critical role in shaping Kosovo’s future.