The Foundation Academy of Animation as a beneficiary of the sub-grants of the KYP project has managed to enroll 5 young people aged 18-29 in the internship program through their five-month project “Education Program: Academy of Animation”.
Before starting the internship, the young people attended the professional animation training offered by the Animation Academy. After the necessary preparations, they connected with several businesses and NGOs in a networking event to follow the three-month internship program.
The Academy of Animation is the only program in Kosovo that offers specialized education in animation. It has about 6 years of experience in organizing and implementing educational programs in the field of animation, with six generations and 60 students who have completed the program.
The Animation Academy aims to continue to provide free education to passionate young people dedicated to animation, adhering to an approach that values and stimulates the articulation of sensitive individual voices, regardless of their background.
The three-month internship program started in April and ends in June.
Below you can get acquainted with the profile of some of the interns.
This activity is being implemented within the framework of the Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP project implemented by the CARE International office in Kosovo, with the financial support of the European Union (EU) office in Kosovo.