EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: CALL for National and International Volunteers

CALL for National and International Volunteers

The Volunteers CAMP will take place from 11th – 22nd September 2023 (12 days in Prizren).

CARE Deutschland e.V. Office in Kosovo, within its project “Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP”, financed by the European Union- Advancing the role of civil society for social justice, participation, and human rights (EuropeAid/171380/DD/ACT/XK 11/2020-IPA 2019 is organizing the Volunteers CAMP. SHL- Kosova is part of the implementation of the Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP project, led by CARE Deutschland e.V. Office in Kosovo, and on lead for the Volunteers CAMP.

About CARE International work in the Balkans

CARE’s work in the Balkans started in 1993, when it provided humanitarian support to people affected by war. In the late 90-ties, CARE shifted its focus in the region from humanitarian post-war assistance and rehabilitation to socio-economic development, engaging in interventions directed at conflict prevention and peace-building, sustainable livelihoods, gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence.

CARE International in the Balkans places the quality of its program at the center of its mission and has developed a regional strategy that encompasses two main program directions: Gender Equality and Social and Economic Inclusion. CARE’s Gender Equality Program aims to empower women vulnerable to violence, discrimination and poverty, to reach better life opportunities and social justice, and to work on the prevention of peer violence and building of tolerance among young men in the Western Balkans. The goal of the Social and Economic Inclusion Program is to strengthen capacity and create opportunities for the marginalized, socially excluded and poor to integrate into society and access rights. CARE’s engagement and contribution lie in strengthening sustainability of key regional, national and/ or local civil society organizations and networks promoting equality and diversity, in the context of social inclusion and non-violence.

About Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP project

The action that is implemented by CARE in partnership with SHL – Kosova (SHL-K), seeks to contribute to the active inclusion of civil society in Kosovo in promoting democratic values, inclusive governance and achievement of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The specific objective of the Kosovo Youth Participation- KYP project is to foster democratic participation, civic engagement and social inclusion of different groups of marginalized youth, mainly from rural areas and small towns of Kosovo.

The following results/outputs are expected to be achieved by the project:

1) Increase the participation of disadvantaged youth in decision making, in local communities and on the central level, through capacity building/awareness raising on human rights and activism; mentoring of youth groups for inclusion in local and national decision-making processes; local youth actions to improve the position of disadvantaged youth.

2) Enhance the engagement and employability of disadvantaged youth, in particular young women, through skills development and involvement in volunteering initiatives. The activities will include information campaigns, trainings for employment skills development (raising of employability of youth through trainings, internship and supported youth entrepreneurial activities), support to volunteering among the disadvantaged youth from rural areas and smaller towns.

3) Foster Democratic dialogue across Kosovo youth, fostered through raised awareness on and promotion of gender equality, solidarity, inter-cultural relations and counter stereotypes and dis-information, by: awareness raising and facilitation of debates; peer exchange; involvement in ongoing youth-led discussions in Kosovo.

Call for participants

Kosovo Youth Participation Volunteering Camp – Youth is Difference

11th – 22nd September 2023 in ITP – Prizren


Through the project Kosovo Youth Participation, the organizations CARE and SHL Kosovo are seeking to contribute to the active inclusion of civil society in Kosovo in promoting democratic values, inclusive governance, and achievement of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The specific objective of the Kosovo Youth Participation- KYP project is to foster democratic participation, civic engagement and social inclusion of different groups of marginalized youth, mainly from rural areas and small towns of Kosovo.

With this project in September 2023, a volunteering camp will be organized in order to gather youngsters from Kosovo and abroad, and to learn about environmental challenges and how to make a difference in their communities.

The activity is open for international and Kosovo youngsters, from the age of 15 to 26 years old. The camp is made for those who are interested to try something new, contribute to a bigger cause, meet new people, share the living space with the group, learn and work together. The participants should be interested in the topic of environment, and they will be expected to take active part in the lessons as well as working parts of the volunteering camp.

The camp will include theoretical sessions and the participants will learn about the environment, as well as practical sessions that include working to make a positive impact on the environment. It will be structured for the volunteers to learn about environmental topics and climate change, as well as how they can contribute to a change. The work will consist of clean-up actions in several places and creating an exemplary urban garden in Rahovec. The volunteers will be guided by camp coordinators and facilitators, learning will be structured through non-formal education methods with a guest speaker who will share their knowledge on the topic of the environment and climate change.

The camp will be in the English language, and the group will be sharing learning, working, and living space. During the camp, the food will be vegetarian. All the costs of accommodation, food, and materials that will be used during the camp will be provided by the project.

If this resonates with you, don’t miss out! Apply by August 31, 2023, to secure your spot. Simply click on this LINK to submit your application. Our selection process will be communicated by September 5, 2023, including an information sheet to prepare you for this unforgettable adventure.

Important notes:

  • Participants are expected to arrive on the 11 September and depart on the 22 September.
  • Once you are selected, please take it seriously and don’t cancel your participation. This is an opportunity to experience something valuable and it would be a pity to not have a full group.
  • If you have any questions/further details on the program of the camp, please send an email to [email protected] no later than 25 August 2023.

Photo from the cleaning activity

Picture of ITP (place where the volunteers will be accommodated, for more follow the link: https://itp-prizren.com/)


Join us in shaping a sustainable future while making friends and memories that will last a lifetime. See you at the camp!