14 local actions have been successfully implemented

CARE International through the Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP project with its implementing partner SHL-Kosova has distributed €14,000 for 14 different local actions and reached 525 young people as direct beneficiaries from targeted municipalities, Deçan/Dečani, Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje, Gjakova/Đakovica, Junik/Junik, Obiliq/Obilić, Peja/Peć, Rahovec/Orahovac, and Suharekë/Suva Reka. The local action projects with the highest scores and met all the requirements and criteria were granted €1,000 each, the selection of the local actions underwent a transparent selection process where only youth groups formal/informal who presented plausible action plans with clear and cost-effective budgets were considered.

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of 14 local actions within the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) of the KYP project, which has empowered and uplifted disadvantaged youth in Kosovo. Over the course of the project, formal/informal youth groups came together and made a remarkable difference in their communities.

Through their dedication and efforts, these inspiring young individuals ages 15-25 specifically organized a series of impactful local actions. Public gatherings, promotional events, local media campaigns, public debates, and guest appearances at local manifestations were just some of the ways they raised awareness about the challenges faced by young people in Kosovo. Their actions contributed to improving understanding and created a supportive environment for youth social participation.

To understand more of the impact of each local action, please read below:
  1. SEED, Society for Education and Entrepreneurship Development, received financial support of €1,000 for the project “Career Launch” to combat high unemployment rates among marginalized youth, particularly young women from rural areas in Fushë Kosova/Kosovo. Within a month, SEED implemented a local action, enhancing the engagement and employability of marginalized youth, especially young women, through skills development and involvement in volunteering initiatives. SEED provided these participants with crucial information on opportunities and personal development strategies, enabling the participants to participate in the labor market.
  2. Enis Shala’s local action with the project “Increasing the engagement and employment of marginalized young people, especially young women, through the development of skills and involvement in voluntary initiatives” aimed to address the pressing issue of youth unemployment, particularly among marginalized young people, with a focus on young women. By prioritizing capacity building and participation in volunteer projects, Enis aimed to enhance engagement and employment prospects for this demographic. The project obtained financial support of €1,000 and was implemented in FushëKosova/Kosovo Polje with 42 participants in one month. Enis’ program aimed to actively contribute to the implementation of socio-economic development initiatives for youth and women, with a particular emphasis on enterprise development skills, which were highlighted as a critical area for improvement.
  3. Erjon Bajraktari, a student from Suharekë/Suva Reka, recognized the need to create a dedicated relaxation corner for students at his school. Through the project “Student Relaxation Center” this space would be a versatile venue for numerous club activities as well as a haven for students during the school day. The relaxation corner would serve as a reading space as well as a calm getaway for students to relieve tension and emotional strain. Erjon succeeded in establishing the relaxation corner with a budget of €1,000, and the space was built from February 13 to March 13. The initiative aims to improve the school’s students’ well-being and to create a more peaceful and supportive learning environment.
  4. Abelinda Muharremi a student of “Jeta e Re,” high school in Suharekë/Suva Reka, realized the importance of creating a separate theater area for displaying school activities and events. Abelinda with the project “Jeta e Re High School Theater” took the initiative and founded a school theater in four weeks with the help of fellow students, instructors, and a €1,000 financial support. The theater was built to host numerous school activities and festivities, as well as offer a dedicated platform for students to demonstrate their abilities and engage in creative projects.
  5. Dionis Saltekaj noticed that the Suharekë/Suva Reka high school “Jeta e Re” lacked a designated reading area, denying students a peaceful space for studying and reading. Dionis took on the challenge of building a dedicated reading area within one of the school’s classrooms to satisfy this demand. Dionis successfully through the project “Jeta e Re High School, Reading Corner” implemented the reading corner within a month with the financial support of the KYP project of a €1,000. The reading area now provides pupils with a calm atmosphere in which to focus and engage in uninterrupted reading and studying activities.
  6. Lions Club Istogu implemented “Youth in Transition” a local action in Peja/Peć. This project aimed at guiding 18-year-old students in their final year of high school as they entered the labor market.  With financial support of €1,000, Lionis Club Istogu provided capacity-building assistance for 100 participants over the course of one month, delivering guidance and resources. The initiative has empowered these young people by meeting their need for life experience, cultivating their devotion to their rights, and motivating them to advocate for their proper place in society. The effort aimed to prepare these individuals for a successful transition into adulthood and the labor market by providing them with vital skills and information.
  7. Erion Mustafa’s “The Young Advocators of the Future” aimed to increase the participation of disadvantaged youth in decision-making processes. Recognizing the pressing need for environmental preservation in Obiliq/Obilić. To address this issue, the program focused on environmental preservation, cooperating with educational institutions, municipal directorates, and youth organizations. The initiative focused on empowering up to 66 youths by collaborating with schools, municipal directorates, and youth groups. With financial support of €1,000, Erion successfully equipped these young advocates with the knowledge and skills needed to drive positive change and advocate for environmental preservation in their community.
  8. NGO ROMA IN ACTION – GJAKOVE is dedicated to empowering and including young people from Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian (RAE) communities in Kosovo. With financial support of €1000, within the project “Roma week – 9th edition” the organization launched various activities within a short timeframe. These initiatives encompassed radio/television debates, cultural events, history lessons for elementary school students, and a celebration of International Roma Day all over Gjakova/Đakovica. The primary objective was to raise awareness and educate the public about the vibrant and diverse RAE communities’ culture and history.
  9. Linda Hyseni spearheaded the successful local action called “We All Have a Voice” showcasing the proactive role young people can play in driving positive change within their communities. This campaign promoted awareness of significant topics while also empowering youth to express themselves and influence policy. It emphasized the importance of young engagement and collaboration, as well as the necessity for assistance and acknowledgment from authorities. The initiative focuses on fostering youth engagement, advocacy, and mobilization in Obiliq/Obilićwith financial support of €1,000. It entailed engaging high school students and youth organizations in a variety of activities to demonstrate the potential and significance of young participation in building a brighter future.
  10. Adea Zogu a student of “28 Nentori” high school and her team started “The Entertainment Corner” project to create a calm and enjoyable space in the same school in FushëKosova/Kosovo Polje. They transformed an empty room into a vibrant and cheerful setting packed with games, literature, and music for a budget of €1,000 and 15 days of work. The project promoted a sense of community, friendship, and rejuvenation among the students, establishing an environment where they could recharge and connect with their peers. The dedication of Adea and her team had a long-term impact on the well-being and happiness of their fellow pupils.
  11. Diellza Balaj coordinated the project “Education for Equality and Justice” in the Municipality of Deçan/Dečani to engage young people in promoting equality and justice, raising awareness, and encouraging commitment at the local level. Diellza effectively influenced the local and larger community in decision-making processes from March 2 to March 30, using a budget of €1,000. Young participants were equipped with more knowledge of equality and justice. Diellza successfully empowered young people through this project to advocate for and contribute to an equal and just society.
  12. Gent Bruqi organized a local action called “The Activation of Young People for Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination” in Junik/Junik. The project, with a length from March 3 to March 25, intended to engage adolescents in increasing awareness about equal chances. Gent successfully highlighted the necessity of contributing to ensuring that underprivileged populations may benefit from economic progress, creating inclusivity, addition, and promoting social well-being. Gent empowered young people to actively participate in promoting gender equality and non-discrimination, hence developing a more equitable and inclusive society.
  13. The “Art and Advocacy towards Youth Participation in Rahovec” local action sends a powerful message to both institutions and the community itself. This initiative harnesses the power of art while aiming to transform Rahovec/Orahovac, specifically through painting a transformer, to spark reactions and promote positive change. Led by Elda Mullabazi and supported by seven dedicated volunteers, this mural project has been completed within one month using financial support of €1,000 (December 2022 – January 2023).
  14. Adrijana Berisha, with financial support of €1,000 and 4 dedicated volunteers, spearheaded the “Speedbump” local action to address traffic safety in the school area. Their unwavering commitment ensured safe participation in traffic for students and citizens of Rahovec municipality. This initiative raised awareness among local institutions about the importance of student community involvement, making a significant impact on traffic safety. Together, they have made a remarkable difference in enhancing safety and well-being in Rahovec/Orahovac.

The successful completion of the local actions marks a significant milestone in empowering disadvantaged youth and fostering their active involvement in communities.  CARE under the FSTP scheme in the framework of the KYP project is supporting and offering more opportunities for youth aged 15 – 29 years. Respectively, 14 local actions have been financially supported to improve the position of youth with a total amount of €14,000; Training Programs for Raising Skills Employability for 50 young people with an amount of up to €20,000; Paid Internship Program for 50 young people with a total amount of €75,000; and Support to Youth Entrepreneurial Activities through grants with an amount of €40,000.

These activities are being implemented within the KYP project with the financial support of the European Union (EU) Office in Kosovo.