Call for Application
Trainings for Employment Skills Development – Soft Skills Training and IT
CARE International Balkans, Office in Kosovo, in partnership with Students Helping Life Kosovo (SHL-K) is implementing the project Kosovo Youth Participation Project-KYP funded by the European Union (EU).
The action will be implemented by CARE as the lead applicant and Students Helping Life – Kosova (SHL-K), as co-applicant and in close cooperation with the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo – EARK. The Kosovo Youth Participation –KYP contributes to the active inclusion of civil society in Kosovo in promoting democratic values, inclusive governance, and achievement of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The project’s specific objective is to foster democratic participation, civic engagement, and social inclusion of different groups of marginalized youth in Kosovo.
The overall objective of the KYP project is to support youth with fewer opportunities, especially young women, from rural areas and small towns of Kosovo, in order to create additional prospects for their increased social and economic participation. All activities will be strictly informed by the five working principles: applying all rights, participation, and access to decision-making, non-discrimination and equal access, accountability and access to the rule of law, and transparency and access to information.
The project is expected to:
1) Increase the participation of disadvantaged youth in decision-making, in local communities and on the central level, through capacity building/awareness raising on human rights and activism; mentoring of youth groups for inclusion in local and national decision-making processes; local youth actions to improve the position of disadvantaged youth.
2) Enhance the engagement and employability of marginalized youth, in particular young women, through skills development and involvement in volunteering initiatives. The activities will include information campaigns, trainings for employment skills development (raising of employability of youth through trainings, internship, and supported youth entrepreneurial activities), and support to volunteering among the disadvantaged youth from rural areas and smaller towns.
3) Foster Democratic dialogue across Kosovo youth, fostered through raised awareness on and promotion of gender equality, solidarity, inter-cultural relations, and counter stereotypes and disinformation, by: awareness raising and facilitation of debates; peer exchange; involvement in ongoing youth-led discussions in Kosovo.
The call focuses on increasing the capacity for employment and activation for social engagement of youth, especially young women, through training for raising skills in demand for employment.
Identified issues and Initial mapping Exercise
Young women and men, people of all genders, from rural areas and small towns of Kosovo, aged 15-25 years, represent the project’s main target group. Their position is marked by the lack of practical opportunities for social and economic participation. With 53% of the population of under 25 years[1], Kosovo has the youngest population in Europe. This circumstance represents a large demographic and economic pressure on Kosovo society, as each year a generation of youth finishes their education and starts searching for jobs. To further aggravate this situation, the Kosovo educational system does not follow the demands of the labor market, thus educated youth lack competitive knowledge and often need to put in additional efforts (through vocational training and soft skills enhancement) to improve their chances for employment. As a result, youth of 15-24 years in Kosovo has an extremely high unemployment rate of 46,9%, as opposed to that of the general population of 24,6%[2]. Unemployment of young women (15-24) is even higher according to the same statistics, at 61%, as opposed to that of young men: 40,8%, which points to multiple discrimination and exclusion of young women. The level of activation of youth from rural areas and small towns in Kosovo remains low since there is a lack of information and knowledge about their rights, democratic values, and the importance of participation in social processes and decision-making processes on all levels.
Purpose of the Trainings
This activity will increase the opportunities for young people’s economic inclusion and raise their status in society. To achieve this, the project will utilize the Financial Support to Third Parties – FSTP scheme to organize various capacity-building activities, mainly directed at: Raising employability among targeted youth. Through direct cooperation with and under the facilitation of the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo – EARK and Vocational Training Centers, the KYP project is organizing training in order to shape job skills to match the labor market demands offered specifically for youth from rural areas interested in these employment opportunities.
Modules of the Trainings
The KYP project in cooperation with EARK will offer to 50 interested candidates to follow one of the training modules:
- Soft Skills training (ALMM modules 60 hrs.).
- Information Technology and communication (ALMM modules/ approximately 70 hrs.).
Eligibility criteria:
- Young people aged (18 – 24) coming from municipalities of Deçan/Dečani, Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje, Gjakova/Đakovica, Junik/Junik, Obiliq/Obilić, Peja/Peć, Rahovec/Orahovac, and Suharekë/Suva Reka;
- To be registered in the corresponding Employment Office.
Considering the high unemployment rate of girls and women, we strongly encourage them to apply for this opportunity.
How to apply?
STEP 1: Please download the Application Form and fill the same with your basic information electronically.
STEP 2: The filled Application Form, CV, and Education Diploma can be sent to the email address: [email protected] and cc: [email protected] with the email subject: “Application to Attend – KYP” and/or submit the hardcopy at the Employment Office in your municipality no later than 23.01.2023.
The in-completed applications will not be considered for evaluation.
The application period is open from 23.12.2022 to 23.01.2023.
Additional Information
The trainings are expected to take place during the months of February – April 2023. All selected candidates will be contacted through email and telephone. The trainings will be organized and held in three main Centers for Vocational Trainings in Gjakova/Đakovica, Prishtine/Pristina, and Peja/Peć. To facilitate the process and offer easier access for youth to the trainings, CARE will provide support for the transportation of young people from rural areas and small towns. Only the candidates who follow the selected training in the full duration will be certified.