The sub-grantee, non-governmental organization Instituti për Zhvillim dhe Integrim completed the project “Activation of Youth through Internship Program”

The non-governmental organization Instituti për Zhvillim dhe Integrim (IZHI) for five months has implemented the “Activation of Youth through Internship Program” project, managing to offer two-day training for 13 young people from the municipalities of Fushë Kosova, Obiliq, and Pristina. Also, for three months, five of them have benefited from the paid internship program.

During the training, the young beneficiaries managed to develop the soft skills in these modules: “What is a CV?”, “First mistakes”, “Motivation letter”, “How to prepare for a job interview”, and “How to present myself in an interview?” “Top 10 Communication Skills What are the 5 Empathy Skills?”, “Emotional Intelligence”, “Conflict Resolution – Negotiation – Listening Skills, Positive Attitude”, “Teamwork – Leadership Skills”, “Flexibility – Critical Thinking Time Management”.

The overall goal of the project was to help youth from rural areas develop and improve their skills in soft skills, including effective communication, time management, and problem-solving. This has made them more competitive in the labor market, opening up new opportunities for employment.

After the completion of the three-month internship program, of the five young people engaged, two of them have continued their full-time employment. The interns who have been hired are:

  1. Shkurte Bajrami, municipality of Fushë Kosova, 29 years old, Educator at “Edu Kids” Kindergarten; and
  2. Blerina Mehani, Obiliq municipality, 30 years old, Educator at “Nina” Kindergarten.

The (IZHI) is an organization founded in 2012, the mission of IZHI is to contribute to advancement, integration and development through professional training and various researches in the field of entrepreneurship and other areas of non-formal education.

This activity is being implemented within the framework of the Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP project implemented by the CARE International office in Kosovo, with the financial support of the European Union (EU) office in Kosovo.